Located in the county of Vrancea, Odobeşti Green Garden is a complete resort, providing diversified and quality services, including a guesthouse, a restaurant, a café, terrace and pool, all to the delight of tourists. Always in search of new, Odobeşti Green Garden has chosen modernization, and in 2014, Aniva Technology, provided, configured and installed a media club system.
– Creation of a professional sound and lights system in a event hall from Vrancea area. The system consists of professional sound component and lighting component. The sound was made after a acoustic study performed at the place. After processing the data resulting from the study, we designed a system of loudspeakers, amplifiers and sound processors interconnected to form a unitary system.
– The professional lighting was performed using new generation moving head sites based on the new LED technology, and using LED Pari. They were all connected together using DMX cables, their command being made using a DMX control interface and specialized software. Both components, the sound and the electricity were designed taking into account our client’s wishes.